
The female black widow spider.


a similatude of Inanna, the triple deity of Babylon. 

Yahweh shows this spider is pointing to Ba'al worship.  Inanna, same as Asherah, is the consort for Ba'a'l.  Each nation has their own version of these Sumerian/Babylonian gods. It is the worship of the sun and the moon - powers Yahweh has made, but is what our globalist, and world leaders honor and/or worship.  The sun, the moon and stars; and her number - the numer 8. Things created by Yahweh are so powerful, man worships them and not Him.


Behold the sun, the moon and 11 stars.




upside down orion




Behold, the Egyptian Nightmare.

Yahweh confirmed, that He was comparing the female black widow spider to a 'female spirit' when speaking these words, calling this spider, an 'Egyptain Nightmare'.  This happend, when I looked up the word 'nightmare'.




 c. 1300, "an evil female spirit afflicting men (or horses) in their sleep with a feeling of suffocation,"  -

 That is what He called it, and by His Spirit, we are led.  When He was first revealing to me this spirit, that leads this world system, I was shown 'Lilith'.  I noticed all the worlds relgions had a female deity, even as a main deity, that was more important than the male deity. Now, Yahweh shows me Inanna, the Sumerian deities are 3 in 1. He said the wolf has three heads. Even recently shows me serapis christus has a three headed dog. Yahweh supports His words and He is praised and trusted.

the marvels 2023the marvels 2023

Trinity is Dark

The triple deity symbol is seen on many old world Churches. Usually on the face of the Church or inside stain glass windows.   The example is seen when the widows appear in three groups of tree. Like this: III III III and is 666. We can get 666 from a triangle or from 'Trinity', but not from Yahweh, because He is one; He and His son are one as we are to be one with with eachother, was his prayer.

This 3 in 1 deity (III III III) points to Lucifer, not Yahweh.  3 + 3 + 3 = 9. The number nine (9) is tet in Hebrew, the 'serpent'.  Note that every coin has two sides; 3 + 3 + 3 would be 666.  The number 9 connects to Tartaria rule or era.


The Romans also had trivius dea, the "goddess of three ways," another name for Hecate, perhaps originally in her triple aspect (Selene/Diana/Proserpine), but also as the especial divinity of crossroads



"Each one of them is a triune being by Himself...there's nine of them" (Benny Hinn, TBN, 3rd October 1990) see full article at





 Two recent films have illustrated this goddess from the Sumerian culture, and this is how Lucifer rules the Na8tions. Thru a 'goddess' and all the nations have them. The films were The Marvels (2023) and Madame Web (2024).  Each show a 3 - in - 1 female deity. In 2002, Yahweh started showing me prophetic ambiguity connecting the female black widow spider to the goddess relgions of the nations. In time, you may see that 'Trinity' and the number 8, points to her, and Yah willing you may see, it all lead back to Yahweh. 


This spider will explain or help us to understand what is wrong with our Churches. Inanna, called a goddess of love -  has brought pleasure into the Churches.  She also leads the 'State', which is goverment and is why we see LGBTQ+, drag queen parties at the White House, drugs and lawlessness also connnected to the White House. She is not only goddess of 'love', but of war.

I can show you her name, secretly added to the sleve of the confederate army soliders uniform. Her name is on the shields use by the Knights Templar. Her name, this 'queen of heaven', is on the Na8tions and that incluldes goverments, Churches and relgions. I have seen it, I have shared it, and Yah is greatly praised, and we who are led by Him, are made strong.


is as the spider bite, .... whose effects are like that of the Chillian female black widow spider, that dominate men sexually. Yahweh is powerful, and has made this spider in the likeness of this goddess, the spirit of this world, the world system, of  Lucifer and even our sin nature.


"The Chilean black widow is also known as the wheat spider for the wheat fields it inhabits and where its farmer-victims receive their often fatal bite. The spider's bite can kill children and the elderly, but among strong young farmers it leads to erections that can last for days and involve involuntary ejaculations."  -

 I belive this to be an end time sign. This 'wheat spider', is seen at harvest time. Yahweh is praised when seeing what He has done with this spider.  He has made thing things in this earth match the the female black widow spider - He has done it.


I create good and evil - . Isaiah.45.7



Her number is 8.


Trinity and her number 8 - that is one of the ways to recognize this spirit of the anti-messiah.

The spider has 8 legs, and even a chevron (the number 3). It is the female deity that becomes greater than the malspider-8V.pnge deity, as is the female spider 'greater than' the male. This is the spirit behind Fox New 'outnumbered' show; that has the women outnumber the men. Usually 4 women and on male. Not a femeninst moment, but the spirit of the anti-messiah that is in the likeness of the female black widow spider, that Yahweh has made. He made them, match the spider that He made. Yahweh is powerful and in Him we trust and only Him we fear.

Yahweh made it and I have been given a chance to share it, that His works be seen.

spider agent on fire ani

All the Na8tions have triad relgions and octagram relgions - and this is another way to recognize this spirit of the anti-messiah.

It is the spirit of this world, that is lead by Inanna - in the likeness of the female black widow spider.   You will see 8 and 3, 8V (the idol) and that it is in the name of the Sumerian goddess Inanna, whos name (Ninsianna) means, 'to be red'.

Because of Yahshua, Yahweh has revealed it, showing me His sovereignty.

8v-2-.pngThe spider is in the likeness of Inanna, the goddess religion and left hand path, the spirit of this world, the world system, and our sin nature. The physical appearance of the spider, is 8 and 3, 8V - and matches the great idol of this world an name of Inanna. I can show how this spider matches many things in our world, starting with:

- the constellation of Orion

- the Brick of Ur Nammu No.7

- the papal tiara, Jesuit IHS emblem


It is the glory of Yahweh to reveal it.

This is not just parabolia, patterns that are similur, but is a spirit that Yahweh has made and He sent it, because He is the source of it all and the only one true power. (Rom.13.1) . By this symbol, this name of Inanna even, this idol - anti-messiah is made visible.